Equity SQ are Accountants & Tax Advisors

who Specialise in Property

We will transfer your Property Portfolio in your Personal Name

into your limited company

There is NO Stamp Duty payable

There is NO Capital Gains Tax payable

The Properties transfer in under legislation at cost

so no gain & no loss on the transfer into the company

All declared to HMRC under the relevant legislation

Residential or HMO or Commercial or …

This transfer also allows for those with mortgages

and no change in mortgages is required

and no need to notify existing mortgage lenders

and full relief on all mortgages

This new Limited Company can become the Family Investment Company FIC

The FIC will have an Alphabet Share Structure

which allows control to remain

while allowing different Dividends to be paid to each

and allowing Inheritance Tax Planning as directed 

The transfer is declared to HMRC on your personal tax return(s)

and declared to HMRC in the limited company that receives the properties

 The rental business can also have

more tax deductible expenses in the limited company

than allowable in personal names

this is a business

The rental profits will be

taxed at the Corporation Tax rate 19%

rather than Income Tax at rates of 20% or 40% or 45%

Any property sale profit will be taxable at 19% rather than 28%

Director Shareholders can draw funds from the limited company

on loan accounts so minimising personal tax liabilities

& ensuring no allowances are wasted

So, tax saving all ways

We don’t charge by the HOURS it takes

We change by the YEARS it has taken us to acquire the unique knowledge
— Equity SQ