Is your business growing ?

Do you need to add a management layer to allow you to plan for the future ?

A Non-Executive Director provides a creative contribution, objective criticism and constructive advice. They bring an independent judgement on strategy, performance and resources including key appointments and standards of conduct.

We can assist by offering a Non-Executive Director with years of experience and the specialist knowledge. We have a proven track record in growing small businesses into big businesses and more importantly growing PROFIT.

We will set in place monthly board meetings and a reporting structure to allow the business to control its development.


As Non-Executive Directors we have specialist knowledge in:


Digital Media

Fashion Clothing - Wholesale & Distribution & Manufacture

Finance and Reporting

Furniture - Retail & Wholesale & Manufacture

Global Business - EU, US and Australia

Graphic Design

Hospitality - bars, pubs and restaurants

Sales - recruitment of key staff & setting up sales teams & creating the sales leads

Wholesale & Trade Suppliers


• Strategic direction

As an ‘outsider,’ the non-executive director may have a clearer or wider view of external factors affecting the company and its business environment than the executive directors. The normal role of the non-executive director in strategy formation is therefore to provide a creative and informed contribution and to act as a constructive critic in looking at the objectives and plans devised by the chief executive and his or her executive team;

• Monitoring performance

Non-executive directors should take responsibility for monitoring the performance of executive management, especially with regard to the progress made towards achieving the determined company strategy and objectives. They are also responsible for determining appropriate levels of remuneration of executive directors, and have a prime role in appointing, and where necessary removing, executive directors and in succession planning;

• Communication

The company's and board's effectiveness can benefit from outside contacts and opinions. An important function for non-executive directors, therefore, can be to help connect the business and board with networks of potentially useful people and organisations. In some cases, the non-executive director will be called upon to represent the company externally;

• Risk

Non-executive directors should satisfy themselves on the integrity of financial information and that financial controls and systems of risk management are robust and defensible.